Model Portfolios
Ideas and portfolio models for self-directed ETF investors, with monthly updates and reviews of the selected instruments.
Model Wallets
In this section, you will find Model Portfolios built by us: Classic Models , that is, portfolio models suitable for investors who want to invest in the long term to accumulate assets, Core-Satellite Models , that is, portfolio models for investors who want to obtain an extra return even if they invest with ETFs and finally Income Models , for investors who want to obtain an income from their investments in ETFs.
Classic portfolios for investors who want to accumulate wealth over time.
Classic Model
Portfolio for investors who want to earn income from their investments.
Portfolios for investors who want to try to achieve extra returns.
Core Satellite
Model Wallets
In this section, you will find Model Portfolios built by us: Classic Models , that is, portfolio models suitable for investors who want to invest in the long term to accumulate assets, Core-Satellite Models , that is, portfolio models for investors who want to obtain an extra return even if they invest with ETFs and finally Income Models , for investors who want to obtain an income from their investments in ETFs.
Classic portfolios for investors who want to accumulate wealth over time.
Classic Model
Portfolio for investors who want to earn income from their investments.
Portfolios for investors who want to try to achieve extra returns.