Broker comparison
Data updated to January 2025.
The commissions indicated by the brokers do not include the overall costs and are to be considered net of market spreads, product costs and any third party costs.
We do not guarantee the completeness, correctness and accuracy of the information on this page. Please refer to the offers on each broker's page.
* Links with an asterisk are affiliate links where we may receive compensation from the providers of these links if you decide to open a securities account. In this way we are able to provide you with an independent financial education information service. We ask you to help us and open a securities account through our affiliate links.
Important Notice: Investing involves risks.
What is a securities account and how does it work?
If you want to invest in financial instruments, such as stocks or ETFs, you need a securities account. In this account, your financial instruments can be stored and managed. All the securities accounts we have compared can be managed digitally. Depending on the provider, you can trade various financial instruments and store them in the securities account. The securities account is linked to a checking account. You can use the balance of this account to purchase financial instruments. Sales proceeds and distributions are credited to your checking account.
Which brokers does Investeem recommend?
To invest easily and conveniently, you should choose a low-cost securities account that allows you to invest with PAC (Savings Plans or Accumulation Plans) in free ETFs or with the purchase of free ETFs on promotion. Investeem only recommends brokers and investment platforms regulated by serious government institutions for investor protection and that have a significant and wide offer on ETFs.
The brokers we recommend are NAME 1, NAME 2 and Degiro.
ETF Trading Commission
X,XX€ per order
Tax regime
Purchase of fractional shares
How to find the right securities account?
How to find the right securities account?
When looking for the right investment account, first ask yourself what is important to you. Then you can use our comparison table to compare the exact conditions and make your choice.
In general, if low costs are particularly important to you, neo-brokers may be a good choice. If you prefer to have less bureaucratic burdens, more traditional intermediaries are probably the right choice for you.
Another aspect to consider when choosing an account is the offer of securities, trading markets and savings plans. If you intend to invest primarily in ETFs, the number of trading markets is of less importance. Neo-brokers, in particular, have focused on ETF savings plans, thus managing to offer these services at reduced costs.
Remember that the brokers present in our comparison have already been selected by us on the basis of qualitative and quantitative analyses that you can find here .
How much do brokers cost?
There are several types of fees that can be applied to a securities account. Here is an overview of typical fees:
Account Management : There may be costs associated with account management. In our comparison, you will find many brokers that do not charge an account management fee, called a custody fee. In some cases, this fee is free if you trade regularly or have an active savings plan. Think about how you use your account: for example, if you invest monthly in an ETF savings plan, you meet this requirement.
Savings Plan : If you want to invest in an ETF or stock on a regular basis, it is advisable to use a savings plan. For this reason, the costs of the savings plan are particularly important.
Trading Fees : There is almost always a fee for buying and selling stocks. To avoid this fee, you can also use a savings plan, which is often free.
Trading Market Fee : In addition to the order fee, a trading market fee is sometimes applied, which varies depending on the chosen exchange. Electronic trading platforms such as Gettex, Tradegate or Quotrix are the cheapest. Physical exchanges, such as Borsa Italiana, are often more expensive.
Spread : The spread is the difference between the buy and sell price of a security. Exchanges with a high trading volume generally offer a lower spread. Borsa Italiana is the reference exchange for the Italian market, so it is convenient for large amounts, although the order costs and the trading market commission are relatively high. In general, the spread is smaller when the main exchange is open. For this reason, if possible, you should trade from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 17:30. Outside these hours, the spread is wider, making transactions more expensive.
Additional services : Additional services, such as registration at the General Meeting of Shareholders or entry in the share register, are generally subject to costs.